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7th Pay Commission Pension Calculation

7th Central Pay Commission Pension Calculation

7th CPC Pension Calculation

New 7th Pay Commission Pension Calculation – Pay Matrix Pension Calculation

Generally, pay commission recommendations are not only for existing employees but also for retired employees. The 7th pay commission has directed two types of proposals to fix the pension for the pensioners who retired before January 2016. The determination of basic pension as per 7th pay commission after 1st January 2016 initially got confused.

As per the first proposal of the calculation method, determination of the pension and family pension little bit hard and take some time to check the earlier records. The second proposal of calculation method is the basic pension amount determined at the time of the 6th pay commission, will be multiplied into 2.57 and get an alternate amount for the new pension.

Monthly Govt Pension Calculator

We have presented here a simple monthly pension calculator for Central Government employees. The retirement age of Central Govt employees is now 60 years. After regular retirement, the pension has been calculated under CCS Pension Rules. The simple online pension tool will show the bank pension (40% Commutation) after the implementation of the 7th pay commission.

[Note: The above results are based on your inputs and the values are approximate only]
Calculator Title Bank Pension Calculator
Beneficiaries Central Govt Employees
Features Find Bank Pension after 7th CPC
Input Details Basic Salary and Pay level
Output Details Bank Pension Amount
Published on 11.12.2019
Updated on 1.7.2021
Developed by TEUT Digital Concepts

Examples of New Pension Determination

In the case of an employee who retired in 1989 at the time of the 4th pay commission, his new pension determination is as follows…

Retired on 31.01.1989
Pay band at the time of retirement 3000 – 4500 (4th CPC Scale)
Final Pay on retirement 4,000
Old Pension as on 1.1.2016 12,600
Revised pension (multiply with 2.57) 32,382
Pay determined on a notional basis on 1.1.1996 11,300 (10,000-15,200)
Pay determined on a notional basis on 1.1.2006 27,620 (PB-3, GP 6600)
Pay determined on a notional basis on 1.1.2016 71,800 (Level-11)
New pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first method 35,900
New pension payable 35,900

In the case of an employee who retired in 1999 at the time of the 5th pay commission, his new pension determination is as follows…

Retired on 30.06.1999
Pay band at the time of retirement 4000-6000 (5thCPC Scale)
Final Pay on retirement 4,800
Old Pension as on 01.01.2016 5,424
Revised pension (multiply with 2.57) 13,940
Pay determined on a notional basis on 1.1.2006 11,330 (PB-1, GP-2400)
Pay determined on a notional basis on 1.1.2016 29,600 (Level-4)
New pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per first formulation 14800
New Pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 (Higher of 5 & 8) 14800

In the case of an employee who retired in 2015 at the time of the 6th pay commission, his new pension determination is as follows…

Retired on 31.05.2015
Pay band at the time of retirement 67000-79000 (6thCPC Scale)
Final Pay on retirement 79,000
Old Pension as on 1.1.2016 39,500
Revised pension (multiply with 2.57) 1,01,515
Pay determined on a notional basis on 1.1.2016 2,05,100 (Level- 15)
New pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per first formulation 1,02,550
New pension payable (Higher of S.No.5 and 7) 1,02,550

Pension Fixation Example No. 1

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Description 1st case
1. Date of Retirement 31.12.1984
2. Scale of pay (or Pay Band & G.P.) at the time of retirement (OR) Notional pay scale as of 1.1.1986 for those retired before 1.1.1986 975-1660 (4thCPC Scale)
3. Pay on retirement (OR) Notional pay as of 1.1.1986 for those Retired before 1.1.1986 1210
4. Pension as of 01.01.2016 before revision 4191
5. Family pension as on 01.01.2016 3500
6. Family pension at an enhanced rate as of 01.01.2016 before revision (if applicable) NA
7. Revised pension by multiplying pre-revised pension by 2.57 10771
8. Revised family pension by multiplying pre-revised family pension by 2.57 9000
9. Revised family pension at an enhanced rate by multiplying pre-revised enhanced family pension by 2.57 NA
10. Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.1996 3710 (3200-4900)
11. Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.2006 8910 (PB-1, GP 2000)
12. Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.2016 23100 (Level -3)
13.Revised pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per first formulation 11550
14. Revised family pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per first formulation 9000
15. Revised family pension at enhanced rate w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per first formulation NA
16. Revised pension payable (Higher of S.No.7and 13) 11550
17. Revised family pension payable (Higher of S.No. 8 and 14) 9000
18. Revised family pension at the enhanced rate payable (Higher of S.No. 9 and 15) NA

Pension Fixation Example No. 2

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Description 2nd case
1. Date of Retirement 31.01.1989
2. Scale of pay (or Pay Band & G.P.) at the time of retirement (OR) Notional pay scale as of 1.1.1986 for those retired before 1.1.1986 3000-4500(4thCPC Scale)
3. Pay on retirement (OR) Notional pay as of 1.1.1986 for those Retired before 1.1.1986 4000
4. Pension as of 01.01.2016 before revision 12600
5. Family pension as on 01.01.2016 7560
6. Family pension at the enhanced rate as of 01.01.2016 before revision (if applicable) N.A
7. Revised pension by multiplying pre-revised pension by 2.57 32382
8. Revised family pension by multiplying pre-revised family pension by 2.57 19430
9. Revised family pension at the enhanced rate by multiplying pre-revised enhanced family pension by 2.57 NA
10. Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.1996 11300(10000-15200)
11. Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.2006 27620 (PB-3, GP 6600)
12. Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.2016 71800 (Level -11)
13. Revised pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per first formulation 35900
14. Revised family pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per first formulation 21540
15. Revised family pension at enhanced rate w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per first formulation N.A.
16. Revised pension payable (Higher of S.No.7and 13) 35900
17. Revised family pension payable (Higher of S.No. 8 and 14) 21540
18. Revised family pension at the enhanced rate payable (Higher of S.No. 9 and 15) N.A.

Pension Fixation Example No. 3

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Description 3rd  case
1. Date of Retirement 30.06.1999
2. Scale of pay (or Pay Band & G.P.) at the time of retirement (OR) Notional pay scale as of 1.1.1986 for those retired before 1.1.1986 4000-6000 (5thCPC Scale)
3. Pay on retirement (OR) Notional pay as of 1.1.1986 for those Retired before 1.1.1986 4800
4. Pension as of 01.01.2016 before revision 5424
5. Family pension as on 01.01.2016 3500
6. Family pension at an enhanced rate as of 01.01.2016 before revision (if applicable) NA
7. Revised pension by multiplying pre-revised pension by 2.57 13940
8. Revised family pension by multiplying pre-revised family pension by 2.57 9000
9. Revised family pension at the enhanced rate by multiplying pre-revised enhanced family pension by 2.57 N.A
10. Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.1996 N.A
11. Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.2006 11330 (PB-1, GP-2400)
12. Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.2016 29600 (Level-4)
13.Revised pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per first formulation 14800
14. Revised family pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per first formulation 9000
15. Revised family pension at enhanced rate w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per first formulation N.A
16. Revised pension payable (Higher of S.No.7and 13) 14800
17. Revised family pension payable (Higher of S.No. 8 and 14) 9000
18. Revised family pension at the enhanced rate payable (Higher of S.No. 9 and 15) N.A

Pension Fixation Example No. 4

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1. Date of Retirement 31.05.2015
2. Scale of pay (or Pay Band & G.P.) at the time of retirement (OR) Notional pay scale as of 1.1.1986 for those retired before 1.1.1986 67000-79000 (6thCPC Scale)
3. Pay on retirement (OR) Notional pay as of 1.1.1986 for those Retired before 1.1.1986 79000
4. Pension as of 01.01.2016 before revision 39500
5. Family pension as on 01.01.2016 23700
6. Family pension at an enhanced rate as of 01.01.2016 before revision (if applicable) 39500
7. Revised pension by multiplying pre-revised pension by 2.57 101515
8. Revised family pension by multiplying pre-revised family pension by 2.57 60909
9. Revised family pension at the enhanced rate by multiplying pre-revised enhanced family pension by 2.57 101515
10. Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.1996 NA
11. Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.2006 NA
12. Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.2016 205100 (Level- 15)
13.Revised pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per first formulation 102550
14. Revised family pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per first formulation 61530
15. Revised family pension at enhanced rate w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per first formulation 102550
16. Revised pension payable (Higher of S.No.7 and 13) 102550
17. Revised family pension payable (Higher of S.No. 8 and 14) 61530
18. Revised family pension at the enhanced rate payable (Higher of S.No. 9 and 15) 102550