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AICPIN for September 2021 – Expected DA 3rd Stage Completed!


Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (2016=100) – September 2021

The All-India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) for the month of September 2021 increased by 0.3 points and stood at 123.3 (one hundred twenty-three and point three).

All-India Group-wise CPI-IW for August and September 2021

Sr. No. Groups August 2021 September 2021
I Food & Beverages 122.3 122.4
II Pan, Supari, Tobacco & Intoxicants 139.1 140.8
Ill Clothing & Footwear 121.0 121.5
IV Housing 116.8 116.8
v Fuel & Light 153.1 156.9
VI Miscellaneous 121.3 121.7
General Index 123.0 123.3

The next issue of AICPIN for the month of October 2021 will be released on Tuesday, 30th November 2021. The same will also be available on the official website www .labourbureaunew .gov.in

AICPIN September 2021 Press Release in PDF

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